This year our loose theme is Chronicles of Narnia. It is our family read aloud book currently - we will read through the whole series. So why not make that our theme. (More on that later - I have not yet begun to decorate.)
The photos are of the white dish pans for each kid as a place to keep their school stuff. Everyone works in various places at various times so I wanted them to have a movable desk of sorts. You will notice that each bucket has a different color note books and folder. One kid gets red, one green and one blue.
So here is what we are doing and where I have found the materials that we are using. Like I said I have things a lot more organized - I am a really good fly by the seat of my pants kind of person. Since I have gained an older child who is used to school I thought it might be good to have a bit more of a plan worked out for everyone. Gotta appear like you know what you are doing after all.
Keep in mind that if something does not work we are not afraid to chuck it and try something else. Just as a side note I have probably only spent about $100 dollars for notebooks, folders, misc. supplies and a few books. I may add a full subscription to EdHelper at some point- it is worth the money. I generally find just about everything I need some where on line for free.
I love Freebie of the Day and Currclick and I know how to use the Google and other search engines. Happy homeschooling - I set aside this week to figure it all out and get ready - it will mostly run on auto pilot and kids are generally on their own to get their work done if they want to gain freedoms for things like TV, Computer and Gadgets later in the day. One child gets done quickly one takes all day and longer sometimes. Not sure what the new one will be like to deal with.
Here is the link to our daily checklist.
• Character Studies Link
My Character Journal Page
• Biology is an ABeka Book that we borrowed called Biology God's Living Creation. Each kid has a note book to answer the daily questions.
• Math - We are using the Daily Mental Math books from World Teachers press available at CBD
In addition I found the most awesome math on line tutorial video site. Kahn Academy.
• Spelling - I found a free spelling course - It looks good so we are giving it a try. Each kid has a spelling note book. I posted the spelling rules in the back and in the front are some practice ideas and the daily schedule suggested by the course.
• Grammar & Copy work are being combined - what better to copy than the grammar rules.
Reading - we use borrowed book from friends, the library plus on line reading at Google books and Project Gutenberg. They either narrate to me what they have read or do a note book page.
• Listening - I love Libravox this is great for kids that don't read so well yet. Actually all ages there is something about listening to something read to you that allows the imagination to develop. They do a note book page or narrate to me what they heard.
• Writing - I am so excited about this, first the writers club and then the challenge to write a novel in 30 days and the work books to walk you through the process at Nano Young Writers.
• Art we use the drawing exercise found at she has an awesome site with lots of helpful planners and other helpful stuff. We also use a variety of books from the library. I have a art work space set up with tools and supplies easily at hand.
PE/ and Improv is a no brainer - go play out side, ride your bike, skate board, etc. One child wants to be involved in the Parks and Recreation Basketball and other sports programs. One wants to do bowling. For Improv I was given a book called Secrets and Surprises by Joe Wayman and Lorraine Plum. It is full of funny things to act out. All three of my kids like acting so we also audition regularly for the Spokane Children's Theater. One child is currently in rehearsals for High School Musical 2. The others were too young but auditioned anyway - its good practice.
• Unit Studies they can be found everywhere on line but we will use a lot from the site I have linked this blogger mom has done an awesome job.